V Workflow
V 1 Top Folder to Process button (required)
V Makes a list (the long "master list" at left) of all (checkboxed) media files anywhere below the selected top folder level.
* Uncheck file type boxes to ignore specific types of media files, based on filename extension.
V 2 Get Times button (required)
* For each file in the list, opens and measures the time duration.
* Places running time to the left of the filepath.
V 3 Sort buttons (optional)
V Sort by name or size.
* Second click toggles sort direction.
V 4 Drag from master list to "bins" (8 list fields)
V NOTE: If you start dragging from one list and don't drop it on a DIFFERENT list, then that file is deleted.
* So if you change your mind in mid-drag, just drop it in any other field so you don't delete it -- you can then drag it somewhere else later.
* You CANNOT start a drag and drop into the SAME field -- the file will be deleted.
* You CAN drag from one of the 8 bins back to the master list.
* When dropped, the file goes to the top of the list.
* As you drag the files around, the running times (in minutes) update.
V 5 When the bins contain the files you want, in the order you want, with the total running times you want, click the "Create_Applescript" button.
* Writes an Applescript to the desktop and opens it in Script Editor.
V You can now edit the Applescript, comment out what you don't want to burn, copy parts to a different script, etc. -- or just click "Run" to make Video-DVD disc images.
V NOTE: There are several things in the Applescript that may need to be modified.
* Name/location of the VisualHub settings file (but included in this package).
* The "automation.scpt" file must be in the proper location in the VisualHub application bundle (file included here).
V List Manipulation
V Keyboard options (in any list field)
* Cmd-Control-click to sort by Name.
* Cmd-Control-click with Caps Lock On to sort by size (descending)
* Control-Opt-click to delete a line.
V Click options (in any field)
* Double-click a line to play in the player at top.
V Other Info
V Change Destination button (optional)
* Disc Images are by default written to the desktop. However, there is a "Change Destination" button you can use to specify a different location before clicking the "Create_Applescript" button.
V Clear Bins button
V Clears all the bin fields
* Does not clear whatever is in the master list
* NOTE: Each time VisualHubbaHubba is closed, all the info isi emptied out of it.
* The ordered list of files for each disc image is written to the Finder comments of the disc image file.